person holding red and white pen

Vacation Bible School at Liberty Baptist

We would like to say thank to all our wonderful VBS teachers, leaders, and helpers. We encourage you to continue serving the Lord weekly for His Kingdom and for His Glory. We love and appreciate each one of you!! Mark your calendars for VBS 2025 beginning Sunday, June 1st-Friday, June 6th. Thanks again for everything. Much love and deep appreciation. ~ Josh and Mary Bowman

VBS 2025 is an Old West themed VBS adventure that will teach kids about who Jesus is as they marvel at his birth, childhood, ministry, death and resurrection, and coming return. It’s all about Jesus and the call for kids to live for his glory.

Kids will find answers to the questions: What amazing events surrounded the King’s birth? Was there ever a person born who was more important than Jesus? What was Jesus like as a child? And so much more. It’s a wild ride designed to help kids better know Jesus, what he did for them, and how we should respond. As with all of our VBS programs, Wonder Junction is filled with biblical worldview teaching and so much more.

Prepare to load the train as we head to Wonder Junction beginning Sunday, June 1st-Friday, June 6th, 2025.

Ministry Leaders:  Josh & Mary Bowman

Come Join us for Vacation Bible School 2025!!!

Sunday, June 1st- Friday, June 6th

6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Nightly

Students K3 – Adult

(Online registration will open in April 2025)